martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Primary News !!

Con mucha alegría recibimos al abuelo de Valentino Ohanian que vino a la clase de tecnologia para hacer barriletes con 3er grado. Fue un éxito,vuelan!!!!

Promesa de lealtad a la Bandera Argentina:los alumnos de 4to grado prometieron lealtad a la Bandera en un acto muy emotivo en presencia de familiares y alumnos de otros grados.
La semana anterior habían ido al Museo Saavedra para ir poniéndose en tema con una obra sobre la vida y obra de Belgrano.

Finalizó el proyecto de ciencias sociales de 1º y 2º grado: los países del mundial. Los chicos prepararon clases especiales luciéndose con datos,recuerdos,curiosidades.Aprendieron mucho durante este intercambio.

El fulgor Argentino: el viernes 2 de julio,los alumnos de 6to grado fueron al Galpon de Catalinas en el barrio de La Boca para ver una obra que sintetiza casi un siglo de historia a través de la vida en un club social. La salida despertó el interés de los chicos por el tema y porque fue... de noche! Antes de llegar al galpón, pasamos por la bombonera entre aplausos y abucheos! Muy lindo programa.

El martes 6 se entregaron los informes del primer cuatrimestre.Los padres tuvieron oportunidad de conversar con maestras y profesores.

El miércoles 7 se realizó un Encuentro Coral en nuestra institución.Vinieron los coros del colegio San Martin de Tours y San Felipe.

1st Form:
We are so happy in first form!! We are learning a lot. We are studying some new structures like the present continuous and we are still having fun with songs and rhymes. We are starting to write sentences in English, too! And we had our first mid-term exams in July. We were very nervous but we got very good results.
2nd Form:
We started our new project “Plants”. We are learning the different parts of the plants, how they grow, what they need to grow and the difference between seeds.
We went to the lab to read stories and we completed story maps, sequencing and
vocabulary. We described special people and we learned all about wild animals. We go on with our weekly dictations.
3rd Form:
In Language students have learned comparatives and superlatives. We finished unit 3 and they enjoyed it a lot. They also like designing posters about Festivals and writing profiles about their friends. We continue going to the Mathematics Lab and working on addition and subtractions. They enjoy playing “Bingo” and with blocks too.
4th Form:
With great excitement we have made an experiment with an egg. The invisible eggshell. It was great fun to follow the process and to see the way the eggshell was disappearing. Some of us were able to prove our hypothesis. We have also used the smart board and learned a lot of the uses of water in our planet. Let’s save the water!!
5th Form:
In Language students have learned the Passive Voice. In Science we have finished the
topic “Plants” and students have worked on a project in which they had to bring a leaf and submerge it in water to observe the process of “photosynthesis”. They continued with some oral presentations, “Show and Tell”.
6th Form:
Every morning we listen to a story our teacher reads to us. She has chosen a book
from “Tree House “collection we are delighted with. This one is about a trip over the
Middle East! We are going to write and see how useful the use of the Passive is to talk about famous paintings and their authors. We also enjoy our oral presentations, “Show and Tell”.
5th and 6th form students go on rehearsing “Hamlet” .

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